Image by Dahtamnay, courtesy of Creative Commons licensing.
- DEA CBD Oil Schedule 1 Memo, Kratom Ban Ignore Potential Medical Benefits (Inquisitr)
- Study: Medical Marijuana Laws Associated With Fewer Traffic Fatalities (NORML)
- 13 Great Gifts for Your Favorite (Legal) Cannabis Enthusiast (Vogue)
- Why Does Cannabis Produce THC? (Leafly)
- Survey Indicates Adolescent Marijuana Use Fell After Colorado Pot Shops Opened (Reason)
- 10 Awesome Cannabis-Inspired Holiday Gifts for your Pets (Merry Jane)
- Montreal police raid illegal cannabis shops and arrest 'Prince of Pot' (The Guardian)
- NORML Releases Open Letter to Vice President-Elect Mike Pence on Marijuana Policy (NORML)
- We Need To Stop Infantilizing Young Adults Over Cannabis Access (The Huffington Post)
- Maine: Recount Effort Halted, Question 1 Victory Stands (NORML)
- Portland, Oregon, May Allow Delivery-Only Cannabis Retailers (Leafly)
- DEA Says New Cannabis Extract Code Does Only Good Things (U.S. News & World Report)
- Lacing dog treats with cannabis is big business (The Sydney Morning Herald)
- Boston Could Become 'Cannabis Capital of the World,' Say Industry Analysts (Boston Magazine)
- Hemp Producer Ecofibre Ditches Australia's Medical Cannabis Rules for the US (Leafly)
- What We Learned at the "Innovation in the Cannabis Industry" Conference (Merry Jane)
- Parents Beware, Study Shows That Children Absorb Chemicals From Secondhand Cannabis Smoke (Merry Jane)
- How Dropping Acid Helped Ayelet Waldman Overcome Depression (Publishers Weekly)
- Hamster named Mr Chow force fed cannabis and LSD by cruel owner (Newsline)
Psilocybin/Magic Mushrooms
- Santa Claus Is the Product of Magic Mushrooms? (Merry Jane)
- Psilocybin Can Have "Profound" Impact on Managing Anxiety and Depression in Mesothelioma Patients (
- A medicine hunter explains the origins of Ecstasy and how it could become legal by 2021 (Business Insider)
- Girl, 16, left in coma 'with wires and tubes everywhere' after taking single 'Red Skull' ecstasy pill (Mirror)
- Teen Dies of MDMA Overdose at Toronto's Rebel Nightclub (Exclaim!)
- 8 of the Most Fascinating Videos About the Powerful Psychedelic Ayahuasca (AlterNet)
- Ayahuasca church granted religious-use rights by County (Bungalower)
- 10 Things I Wish I'd Known Before Drinking Ayahuasca (High Existence)
- How Feminine is Ayahuasca? (Reality Sandwich)
- True Life Update: What's Life Like For Jessica And Kyle Since They Tripped On Ayahuasca? (MTV)
Synthetic Cannabinoids/Psychoactive Research Chemicals
- Homeless have become target for synthetic marijuana sellers (Digital Journal)
- Even In Heroin Crisis, Drug-Testing High School Students Is A Waste Of Time And Money (Forbes)
- Why the Opioid Epidemic Could Get a Lot Worse (ATTN:)
- Pharma giants are being blamed for deaths after hiking the price of an opioid overdose drug (Insider)
- How Ohio Became the Center of the Opioid Crisis (ATTN:)
- Nearly 20 tons of drugs found in Afghanistan, possibly the largest heroin seizure in history (New York Daily News)
- When Naloxone Isn't Enough: Could Chest Compressions Save More Lives? (EMS World)
- Did Justin Trudeau Really Say He's Not "Philosophically Opposed" To Legalizing Heroin? (Refinery29)
- Heroin Is Now The Leading Cause Of Overdose Deaths In The U.S. (Forbes)
- Rodrigo Duterte Says His Admission of Opioid Abuse Was a Joke but Concerns Remain (TIME)
- Heroin deaths soar compared to other opioids, new study shows (PBS NewsHour)
- How Kambo's Physical and Spiritual Properties Reduce Pain and Treat Addiction (Psychedelic Times)
- Catharsis After Tragedy: How Kambo Can Help Process Difficult Events (Psychedelic Times)
- Kratom And Hydrocodone- A Powerful Combination Or Myth? (Kratom Guides)
Miscellaneous Psychedelics/Psychoactives/Drug Policy
- Why 2016 was a positive year for psychedelic drugs being used as medicine (The Independent)
- These Are the 10 Most Deadly Drugs (TIME)
- Virtual Reality Acid Trips? Microsoft Developing Hallucination Experiences In 2017 (International Business Times)
- We three kings of Orient are... drug runners. And not kings (Psychedelic Press UK)
- What drugs were the Nazis on, anyway? (CNN)
- This Rare, Hallucinogenic Honey Is Sold For $166 Per Pound (UPROXX)
- Dismantling the Stigma: How Psychedelic Therapy Can Decrease Suicidal Tendencies (Psychedelic Times)
- James Taylor Cancels His Manila Concert Because of Rodrigo Duterte's War on Drugs (TIME)
- Are Psychedelics the New Prozac? (Outside Magazine)
- Wisconsin Native Shane Mauss Demystifies Psychedelics On His Comedy Tour (WUWM)
- Stephen Kessler: The deadly seriousness of psychedelic drugs (Santa Cruz Sentinel)
Disclaimer: "This Week in Psychedelics" does not censor or analyze the news links presented here. The purpose of this column is solely to catalogue how psychedelics (and other psychoactives) are presented by the mass media, which includes everything from the latest scientific research to misinformation.