Image by Dahtamnay, courtesy of Creative Commons licensing.
- Canada Is Going to Legalize Marijuana in 2018 (TIME)
- Marijuana Treated Like Alcohol? Legislation Filed In Senate and House (NORML)
- Johns Hopkins University Dropped Out of a Clinical Trial for Smoked Cannabis, and Veterans With PTSD Want to Know Why (Reason)
- Are You Overdosing on Cannabis? Preventing Negative Side Effects From Marijuana (Psychedelic Times)
- List of Major Cannabinoids in Cannabis and Their Effects (Leafly)
- Research Suggests Legal Cannabis Is Failing To Corrupt Youth (Forbes)
- First Amendment Victory Over Ban on Political Contributions from Medical Marijuana Businesses in Illinois (Reason)
- Colorado Has a Plan to Avoid a Marijuana Crackdown by President Trump (TIME)
- John Kasich Says Medical Marijuana Has No Place in Stopping Ohio's Opioid Crisis (TIME)
- Georgia lawmakers expand medical cannabis conditions, but still haven't legalized cultivation (The Cannabist)
- Illinois Considers Cannabis Legalization, Seeking Financial Boost (Leafly)
- Wisconsin City Removes Fines for Marijuana Possession and Consumption (NORML)
- Cannabis infused candy floss edibles now exist and they need to come to the UK (Metro)
- Chatting With Chef Dave Hadley: Chopped Winner and Cannabis Connoisseur (Leafly)
- Cannabis growing expo attracts international audience (Northern Nevada Business Weekly)
- Queensland Takes Lead as Australian Cannabis Stocks Soar (Leafly)
- Kansas City Voters to Weigh in on Decriminalization Measure – Yes on 5 (NORML)
- This Patient Was Denied a Kidney Transplant Over Medical Marijuana (ATTN:)
- Could cannabis crowns become Coachella's hot new floral headpiece? (Los Angeles Times)
- 'I gave my dying son cannabis to ease his cancer symptoms and he made a miracle recovery' reveals mum (Mirror)
- The DEA's Approval of This Drug Highlights Its Own Hypocrisy (ATTN:)
- How to Make DIY Cannabis-Infused Lube (Leafly)
- Trafficked and enslaved: the teenagers tending UK cannabis farms (The Guardian)
- Taking LSD 'could actually heal your brain' rather than just treating mental illness (Metro)
- The extraordinary story of the Welsh LSD ring that supplied 60% of global supply and was worth equivalent of half a billion pounds (Mirror)
Psilocybin/Magic Mushrooms
- I Saw The Light: Reducing anxiety, stress, depression, more with shrooms (City Paper)
- For women, ecstasy could more easily become a nightmare (The Rival)
- MDMA spike in Tasmanian regional area could be linked to music festival, ACIC says (ABC Online)
- Darwin has highest levels of MDMA consumption according to analysis of waste water by Australian Crime Commission (The Mercury)
- Which capital city in Australia has the dodgiest MDMA? (Happy)
- The Toad of Dawn: 5-MeO-DMT and the Rise of Cosmic Consciousness by Dr Octavio Rettig Hinojosa (Psychedelic Press UK)
- An LGBTQ Guide to Ayahuasca Tourism In South America (Psychedelic Times)
- The Therapeutic Value of Ayahuasca (Reality Sandwich)
- New Business Fad: Tripping on Ayahuasca (The Daily Beast)
- Can ibogaine treatment facilitate long-term recovery from addiction? (iBogaine-Thailand)
Morning Glory Seeds
- Why Chewing Morning Glory Seeds Gets You High (Inverse)
- How Ketamine's Neurological Functions Make It a Promising Psychedelic for Psychotherapy (Psychedelic Times)
- Ketamine: A Club Drug That May Be the Future of Antidepressants (Big Think)
- Is ketamine use for depression safe? (ABC Online)
- Police: Man high on PCP strips naked, trashes Turkey Hill (WFMZ)
- Frederick man ran from officers, tossed jar of PCP, police say (The Frederick News-Post)
- The Fanged Fish That Drugs Its Enemies With Opioids (Wired)
- Seattle to let heroin addicts shoot up in first-ever government 'supervised injection facility' (The Blaze)
- Donald Trump's Opioid Commission Is Stacked With Prosecutors and 12-Steppers (Reason)
- Australia was waging a war on opium smuggling in early 1900s (Daily Telegraph)
- Who's Next? Perspectives on Fentanyl Poisoning and the Opioid Crisis (Reality Sandwich)
- Naloxone nasal spray possibly saves lives, but is hard to find (The Telegraph)
- Proposal Would Bill Naloxone Recipients for Drug Costs (Maine Public)
- Heroin Use Is Spiking Among White Americans (TIME)
- Fentanyl, the Opioid Crisis and Naloxone (Psychedelic Press UK)
- Educating Public on Naloxone Options Key to Dealing with Opioid Epidemic (Pharmacy Times)
- Parrots on high branches gorge on poppies feeding opium addiction (Daily Mail)
- I got drunk off of absinthe and didn't hallucinate. What gives? (ScienceLine)
- How To Ease Kratom Withdrawal? (Kratom Guides)
- Fiji kava exporter calls for price regulation (Radio New Zealand)
- Miraa chewing causes serious mental problems, study reveals (The Standard)
Miscellaneous Psychedelics/Psychoactives/Drug Policy
- DEA Seized $4 Billion From People Since 2007. Most Were Never Charged with a Crime (Reason)
- The Future of Permanent Psychedelic Sanctuaries Beyond Festivals (Psychedelic Times)
- Bill Clinton Said He 'Didn't Inhale' 25 Years Ago—But the History of U.S. Presidents and Drugs Is Much Older (TIME)
- Detroit Police Department Blames Drug War for Shooting So Many Dogs (Reason)
- Efforts launched to legalize marijuana, heroin, cocaine, LSD and other drugs in Arizona (FOX 10)
- Detroit Argues Dogs Killed in Drug Raid Were 'Contraband' Because They Were Unlicensed (Reason)
- Sad Legislation or SADDEST Legislation?: The Protecting Kids from Candy-Flavored Drugs Act of 2017 (Reason)
Disclaimer: "This Week in Psychedelics" does not censor or analyze the news links presented here. The purpose of this column is solely to catalogue how psychedelics are presented by the mass media, which includes everything from the latest scientific research to misinformation.